Keycue 8 7 – Displays All Menu Shortcut Commands Minecraft

Some, but not all, of the controls can be reconfigured in the options screen.

Hey All, I know this has been discussed before, but I'm trying to get a big list together that has a bunch of helpful keyboard/mouse/both shortcuts for some newer players. Here is what I have so far. Let me know if there is anything else you use while playing vanilla. F2 = Take Screenshot. F3 = Debug Info (includes coordinates). This is all we have in our Minecraft Console Commands and Cheats Guide. If there is anything else that you would like to add, let us know in the comments section below! We check out 7 known & unknown keyboard shortcuts in Minecraft! » Subscribe - » Facts & Lists Playlist - Adds items to the targeted player(s) inventory. Multiple items of the same type can be given by specifying an amount, and some characteristics of the item can be changed by providing the optional data argument. You can also add CanPlaceOn and CanDestroy data tags to items through this command. Displays help related to commands. Fix corrupted icons and shortcuts in Windows 7/8/10. To show icons faster, Windows caches them into a file. This special file contains icons for many apps an.




The mouse controls turning and aiming.



Double-tap the “Forward” key to sprint.


In Creative Mode, double-tap the “Jump” key to fly. When flying, press “Jump” to move upwards and SHIFT to move downwards.

Mouse Buttons

Left Button

Keycue 8 7 – Displays All Menu Shortcut Commands Minecraft 1.12.2

The left button is used hit things - i.e. to break blocks or attack an enemy. It will use the item you are using in your Main Hand.

Right Button

The right button is used for a lot of things:

  • placing blocks
  • using certain tools (hoeing farmland; shearing sheep)
  • firing bows (hold to build power, then release)
  • throwing missiles (eggs, snowballs, splash potions)
  • eating and drinking
  • using the item in your off hand
  • operating buttons and levers
  • opening doors
  • accessing containers (chests, furnaces, brewing stands, etc)

When you click the Right Button, it can be a little bit difficult to predict what will happen.

  1. If your crosshairs are pointing at something that can be used or opened, such as a switch, lever, door or chest, then that will be used or opened.
  2. If you are holding an item in your Main Hand that can be used with a right click, that will happen. Examples:
    • firing a Bow or throwing a Snowball;
    • using a Hoe to create Farmland or a Shovel to create a Grass Path;
    • placing a block
  3. If you are holding an item in your Off Hand that can be used or placed, than that will happen.

TIP: To place a block against a container, you can hold down SHIFT whilst right clicking, otherwise the container will be opened.

Inventory and Toolbar


EOpen the Inventory
QDrop the item in your hand on the floor.
Ctrl QDrop a whole stack of items on the floor
1–9Select an item from the Toolbar
FSwap the items in your Main Hand and Off Hand

Main Hand and Off Hand

Your Main Hand is the one contolled by the Left Mouse Button - this will usually be your right hand, but if you prefer to be left-handed you can change this in the Options screen. You can place an item in your Main Hand using keys 1–9 to select it from the toolbar.

Your Off Hand is your other hand. You can put an item in your Off Hand using the Shield Slot in the Inventory screen, or you can press “F” to swap items between your main hand.


  • Open the inventory if you want to click outside the Minecraft window (e.g. to look something up on this website) without pausing the game.
  • It's a good idea to change the 'Drop' button to something further away from the movement keys: it reduces the risk of accidentally throwing your stuff into lava.

Mouse controls


The middle button (if you have one) will Pick the target block (ie the block that your crosshairs are aimed at).

  • In Survival Mode this will select that block type if you have it in your inventory.
  • In Creative mode, it will select that block if you have it, and add it to your Toolbar if you don’t. The mouse wheel (if you have one) can be used to select items in your Toolbar.

If your inventory window is open, pressing 1–9 will add whatever item your mouse is over to that slot on your Toolbar.

Other Controls

EscShow the menu (this pauses a single-player game).
F1Hide the interface.
F2Take a screenshot.
F3Open the debug screen.
F5Change the view to one from behind or in front of you.
F8Toggle mouse smoothing.
F11Full screen mode.
TOpen the chat window.
/Open the chat window and type / to begin a command.
TABSee list of players (Multiplayer only) or suggest commands in chat window.

Taking Screenshots

Press F1 to remove the toolbar etc from the screen to take a cleaner screen shot.

Press F5 a couple of times if you want to be in the picture yourself.

Press F2 to take a screenshot.

TIP: On some laptops, the F keys are set up to do other things such as control volume and brightness. In this case there will be a key marked fn or function that you have to hold down to get your F key to work.

< Commands
First introduced

Java 1.8 (14w03a)
Pocket Alpha 0.16.0 (Pocket Alpha 0.16.0 build 1)

Fills all or parts of a region with a specific block.


  • Java Edition
fill <from> <to> <block> [destroy|hollow|keep|outline|replace]
The fill command also has an optional alternate syntax when using the replace option:
fill <from> <to> <block> replace [<filter>]
  • Bedrock Edition
fill <from: x y z> <to: x y z> <tileName: Block> [tileData: int] [oldBlockHandling: FillMode]
The fill command also has an optional alternate syntax for replace mode:
fill <from: x y z> <to: x y z> <tileName: Block> <tileData: int> replace [replaceTileName: Block] [replaceDataValue: int]


JE: <from>: block_pos and <to>: block_pos
BE: from: x y z: CommandPosition and to: x y z: CommandPosition

In Java Edition, it must be a block position composed of <x>, <y> and <z>, each of which must be an integer or tilde and caret notation.In Bedrock Edition, it must be a three-dimensional coordinates composed of <x>, <y> and <z>, each of which must be a floating-point number or tilde and caret notation.
Specifies any two opposing corner blocks of the region to be filled (the 'fill region').
Block position is the coordinates of the point at the lower northwest corner of a block. Because of this, the lesser coordinates of each axis are on the region boundary, but the greater coordinates are one block from the boundary, and the block volume of the source region is (xgreater - xlesser + 1) × (ygreater - ylesser + 1) × (zgreater - zlesser + 1). For example, 0 0 0 0 0 0 has a 1-block volume, and 0 0 0 1 1 1 and 1 1 1 0 0 0 both identify the same region with an 8-block volume.

JE: <block>: block_state
BE: tileName: Block: Block

In Java Edition, it must be a block argument (does not accept block tags). In Bedrock Edition, it must be a block id.
Specifies the block to fill the region with.

BE: tileData: int: int

Must be a 32-bit integer number. It must be between 0 and 65535 (inclusive).
Specifies the block data to use for the fill block. Values that are invalid for the specified block id revert to 0. If not specified, defaults to 0.

JE: destroy|hollow|keep|outline|replace
BE: oldBlockHandling: FillMode

  • destroy - Replaces all blocks (including air) in the fill region with the specified block, dropping the existing blocks (including those that are unchanged) and block contents as entities as if they had been mined with an unenchanted diamond shovel or pickaxe. (Blocks that can be mined only with shears, such as vines, do not drop; neither do liquids.)
  • hollow - Replaces only the blocks on the outer edge of the fill region with the specified block. Inner blocks are changed to air, dropping their contents as entities but not themselves. If the fill region has no inner blocks (because it is smaller than three blocks in at least one dimension), acts like replace.
  • keep - Replaces only the air blocks in the fill region with the specified block.
  • outline - Replaces only the blocks on the outer edge of the fill region with the specified block. Inner blocks are not affected. If the fill region has no inner blocks (because it is smaller than three blocks in at least one dimension), acts like replace.
  • replace - Replaces all blocks (including air) in the fill region with the specified block, without dropping blocks or block contents as entities. Optionally, instead of specifying a data tag for the replacing block, block ID and data values may be specified to limit which blocks are replaced.
If not specified, defaults to replace.

Keycue 8 7 – Displays All Menu Shortcut Commands Minecraft 1.7.10

JE: <filter>: block_predicate
BE: tileName: Block: Block

In Java Edition, it must be a block argument (accepts block tags). In Bedrock Edition, it must be a block id.
Specifies the ID of the blocks in the fill region to be replaced. If not specified, replaces all blocks in the fill region.

BE: tileData: int: int

Must be a 32-bit integer number. It must be between -2147483648 and 2147483647 (inclusive).
Specifies the block data to match when finding blocks to clone. Values (bitwise AND 0xFFFF) that are invalid for the specified block id revert to 0. If -1 or not specified, all blocks that match tileName: Block are filled,


CommandTriggerJava EditionBedrock Edition
anythe arguments are not specified correctly Unparseable Failed
if one or both sepicified positions are unloaded or out of the world Failed
if the block volume of the source region is greater than 32768 (the equivalent of 8 chunk sections)‌
/fill .. hollow
/fill .. keep
/fill .. outline
/fill .. replace ..
if no block is changed
/fill .. destroyif there is no block changed in the fill region after all blocks in the region are replaced with air
anyOn successChanges blocks in the fill region to the specified block.


CommandEditionSituationSuccess Count/execute store succeess ../execute store result ..
anyJava EditionOn fail000
/fill .. hollow
/fill .. keep
/fill .. outline
/fill .. replace ..
On success11the number of blocks changed in the fill region
/fill .. destroyOn success11the number of blocks changed in the fill region after all blocks in the region are replaced with air
anyBedrock EditionOn fail0N/AN/A
On success1N/AN/A


  • /fill 52 63 -151633 73 -1536 minecraft:gold_block replace minecraft:orange_glazed_terracotta[Java Edition only]
  • /fill 52 63 -151633 73 -1536 gold_block 0 replace orange_glazed_terracotta[Bedrock Edition only]
    • Replaces all the orange glazed terracotta in the selected area with gold blocks.
  • /fill ~-3 ~-3 ~-3~3 ~-1 ~3 water
    • Replaces the blocks in a 7x7x3 region directly beneath the command execution's location with water.
  • /fill ~-3 ~ ~-4~3 ~4 ~4 minecraft:stone hollow[Java Edition only]
  • /fill ~-3 ~ ~-4~3 ~4 ~4 stone 0 hollow[Bedrock Edition only]
    • Creates a house-sized box around the command execution's location, replacing any blocks that would have been inside the box with air.
  • /fill ~-15 ~-15 ~-15~15 ~15 ~15 stone
    • Creates a solid cube of stone centered on the command execution's location.
  • /fill ~-1 ~ ~~1 ~ ~ minecraft:prismarine_brick_stairs[facing=south,waterlogged=true]
    • Replaces the specific blocks around the command execution's location with waterlogged prismarine brick stairs facing south.


This section needs expansion.
Java Edition
1.814w03aAdded /fill.
1.1116w32aAdded block state support to /fill.
Pocket Edition Alpha
0.16.0build 1Added /fill.

Keycue 8 7 – Displays All Menu Shortcut Commands Minecraft Command

Screen reader keyboard shortcuts > NVDA

Also available in a single-page printer-friendly PDF version.

NVDA (Non-Visual Desktop Access) is a screen reader for Microsoft Windows that is totally free, yet fully functional and portable; you can download it to your PC or to portable media such as a USB stick. It was initially released in 2006 by NV Access founders Michael Curran and James Teh—blind computer programmers who believe passionately in universal access to computers.

To install NVDA: Go to . We encourage you to donate if you can. If you can't, you can skip the donation and just download the software.


NVDA works well with Firefox and Chrome. NVDA also has decent support for Internet Explorer and Edge, but the best testing combinations are NVDA + Firefox and NVDA + Chrome.
+ , +

NVDA shortcut keys

Note: Some keyboard shortcuts require using the NVDA modifier key. By default, both the Numpad Insert key and the Extended Insert key are set as NVDA modifier keys, but users can designate the Caps Lock key as an additional NVDA modifier key. In the tables below, the assumption is that the Insert key is being used as the NVDA modifier key. If you have changed your settings, you may need to substitute the Caps Lock key in the place of the Insert key. Note also that these keyboard shortcuts are for NVDA's desktop keyboard layout setting; some shortcuts are different when using NVDA's laptop keyboard layout setting.

Browse and Focus Modes

Browse Mode: Browse mode is used when reading documents or web pages.

Focus Mode: Macbook pro games. Focus mode is used when the user enters a form or other fields that require user input.

NVDA automatically switches between Browse and Focus modes, but the user can toggle them using Insert + Space Bar.

Speech Viewer

Turn on Speech Viewer: Enabling Speech Viewer opens a window that shows everything NVDA states. This is useful for sighted users learning NVDA for testing purposes. Enable it under Tools in the NVDA menu.

The basics

On/Off:Turn NVDA onControl + Alt + N
Turn NVDA offInsert + Q
Reading:Stop ReadingControl
Start reading continuously from this point onInsert + or Numpad +
Read next item
Read next focusable item (e.g. link, button)Tab
ButtonEnter or Spacebar
Headings:Go to next headingH
Go to next heading of level [1-6]1 - 6
List all headingsInsert + F7
Landmarks:Go to next landmark/regionD
Elements list:Show list of all links, headings, form fields, buttons, and landmarksInsert + F7
Tables:Go to next tableT
Navigate table cellsCtrl + Alt + or or or
Lists:Go to next listL
Go to next list itemI
Graphics:Go to next graphicG
Links:List all linksInsert + F7
Go to next linkK
Go to next unvisited linkU
Go to next visited linkV
Navigate:Toggle between:
Radio buttons,
<select>list items,
Tabs (ARIA widget),
Tree view items (ARIA widget),
Menu items (ARIA widget)
or or or
Go backward:To previous heading, landmark, table, focusable item, etc.Shift + [H, D, T, Tab, etc.]

Reading text

Line:Say prior line or Numpad 7
Say next line or Numpad 9
Say current lineInsert + or Numpad 8
Start of lineShift + Numpad 1
End of lineShift + Numpad 3
Top lineShift + Numpad 7
Bottom lineShift + Numpad 9
Character:Say prior character or Numpad 1
Say next character or Numpad 3
Say current characterNumpad 2
Say character phoneticallyNumpad 2 twice quickly
Word:Say prior wordCtrl + or Numpad 4
Say next wordCtrl + or Numpad 6
Say current wordNumpad 5
Sentence:Say prior sentenceAlt +
Say next sentenceAlt +
Say current sentenceAlt + Numpad 5
Paragraph:Next paragraphCtrl + or Q
Spelling:Spell wordNumpad 5 twice quickly
Spell word phoneticallyNumpad 5 thrice quickly
Spell current lineInsert + twice quickly
Spell current line phoneticallyInsert + thrice quickly


Table:Go to next (previous) tableT (Shift + T)
Cell:Cell to rightCtrl + Alt +
Cell to leftCtrl + Alt +
Cell belowCtrl + Alt +
Cell aboveCtrl + Alt +


List all:List all form elementsInsert + F7
Navigate:Next form fieldF
Next focusable itemTab
Next buttonB
Checkboxes:Select and deselectSpacebar
Next checkboxX
Combo boxes (<select>):Open combo boxAlt +
Browse/select options or the First letter
Select multiple optionsShift + (or )
Next combo boxC
Radio buttons:Toggle selection/
Next radio buttonR
Focus mode*:Toggle between focus mode and browse modeInsert + Spacebar

* “Focus mode” allows you to enter data into form fields. Browse mode allows you to navigate the page using standard screen reader shortcuts (e.g. to navigate headings, landmarks, links, etc.)

Other commands

Search for a word or a phraseNVDA + Ctrl + F
Keyboard helpInsert + 1
Next blockquoteQ
Next key you hit ignores NVDA and is a normal keystrokeInsert + F2
Speak characters typedInsert + 2
Speak words typedInsert + 3
Read entire foreground window (e.g. for dialogs)Insert + B
Announce title of the current foreground windowInsert + T

Additional resources

The full list of NVDA's keyboard commands can be found in the official NVDA User Guide.

NV Access' support webpage is available at